Afghan director Sahra Mani’s documentary Bread and Roses, capturing the experiences of Afghan women living under the Taliban since they took control of Kabul in 2021, was announced for its Official Selection on Monday. The film will screen as a Special Screening in the festival. The arrival of the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban movement in power has had a catastrophic impact on women’s rights, which had been slowly advancing, stripping them of access to education, employment and public spaces. Women have also borne the brunt of the deteriorating economy under Taliban rule, which has left many families unable to afford basic necessities. Bread And Roses is described as an unpoliticized tale of resilience as well as “a raw, un-sanitized depiction of the female plight in Afghanistan.” The film follows three women, desperate to recover their autonomy, who largely tell their stories through their own lenses. Jennifer Lawrence and Justine Ciarrocchi produce under the banner of their company Excellent Cadaver, with Mani also taking producer credits. Executive producers are Farhad Khosravi and The Eyan Foundation.
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